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For usage with the UMD build see here.


import { openURL } from 'quasar'


// full syntax:
  String url,
  Function rejectFn, // optional; gets called if window cannot be opened
  Object windowFeatures // optional requested features for the new window

It will take care of the quirks involved when running under Cordova, Electron or on a browser, including notifying the user he/she has to acknowledge opening popups.

When wrapping with Cordova (or Capacitor), it’s best (but not “a must do”) if InAppBrowser Cordova plugin is also installed, so that openURL can hook into that.

If running on iOS and cordova-plugin-safariviewcontroller is installed, then openURL will first try to hook into it.

The optional windowFeatures parameter should be an Object with keys from window.open() windowFeatures and Boolean values (as described in the example below). Please note that these features will not be taken into account when openURL does not defers to using window.open().

Example of openURL() with windowFeatures:

  undefined, // in this example we don't care about the rejectFn()

  // this is the windowFeatures Object param:
    noopener: true, // this is set by default for security purposes
                    // but it can be disabled if specified with a Boolean false value
    menubar: true,
    toolbar: true,
    noreferrer: true,
    // .....any other window features


If you want to open the telephone dialer in a Cordova app, don’t use openURL(). Instead you should directly use <a href="tel:123456789"> tags or <QBtn href="tel:123456789">


The following is a helper to copy some text to Clipboard. The method returns a Promise.

import { copyToClipboard } from 'quasar'

copyToClipboard('some text')
  .then(() => {
    // success!
  .catch(() => {
    // fail


The following is a helper to trigger the browser to start downloading a file with the specified content.

 * Forces browser to download file with specified content
 * @param {*} fileName - String
 * @param {*} rawData - String | ArrayBuffer | ArrayBufferView | Blob
 * @param {*} opts - String (mimeType) or Object
 *                   Object form: { mimeType?: String, byteOrderMark?: String | Uint8Array, encoding?: String }
 * @returns Boolean | Error

The opts parameter is optional and can be a String (mimeType) or an Object with the following form:


import { exportFile } from 'quasar'

const status = exportFile('important.txt', 'some content')

if (status === true) {
  // browser allowed it
else {
  // browser denied it
  console.log('Error: ' + status)
import { exportFile } from 'quasar'

const status = exportFile('file.csv', 'éà; ça; 12\nà@€; çï; 13', {
  encoding: 'windows-1252',
  mimeType: 'text/csv;charset=windows-1252;'

if (status === true) {
  // browser allowed it
else {
  // browser denied it
  console.error('Error: ' + status)


The following is a helper to run multiple Promises sequentially. Optionally, on multiple threads.

 * Run a list of Promises sequentially, optionally on multiple threads.
 * @param {*} sequentialPromises - Array of Functions or Object with Functions as values
 *                          Array of Function form: [ (resultAggregator: Array) => Promise<any>, ... ]
 *                          Object form: { [key: string]: (resultAggregator: object) => Promise<any>, ... }
 * @param {*} opts - Optional options Object
 *                   Object form: { threadsNumber?: number, abortOnFail?: boolean }
 *                   Default: { threadsNumber: 1, abortOnFail: true }
 *                   When configuring threadsNumber AND using http requests, be
 *                       aware of the maximum threads that the hosting browser
 *                       supports (usually 5); any number of threads above that
 *                       won't add any real benefits
 * @returns Promise<Array<Object> | Object>
 *    With opts.abortOnFail set to true (which is default):
 *        When sequentialPromises param is Array:
 *          The Promise resolves with an Array of Objects of the following form:
 *             [ { key: number, status: 'fulfilled', value: any }, ... ]
 *          The Promise rejects with an Object of the following form:
 *             { key: number, status: 'rejected', reason: Error, resultAggregator: array }
 *        When sequentialPromises param is Object:
 *          The Promise resolves with an Object of the following form:
 *             { [key: string]: { key: string, status: 'fulfilled', value: any }, ... }
 *          The Promise rejects with an Object of the following form:
 *             { key: string, status: 'rejected', reason: Error, resultAggregator: object }
 *    With opts.abortOnFail set to false:
 *       The Promise is never rejected (no catch() needed)
 *       The Promise resolves with:
 *          An Array of Objects (when sequentialPromises param is also an Array) of the following form:
 *             [ { key: number, status: 'fulfilled', value: any } | { status: 'rejected', reason: Error }, ... ]
 *          An Object (when sequentialPromises param is also an Object) of the following form:
 *             { [key: string]: { key: string, status: 'fulfilled', value: any } | { key: string, status: 'rejected', reason: Error }, ... }

Note that:

  • the sequentialPromises param is an Array of Functions (each Function returns a Promise)
  • each function in sequentialPromises receives one param which is the resultAggregator, so basically you can use the results of the previous promises to decide what to do with the current promise; each entry in the resultAggregator that hasn’t been settled yet is marked as null
  • the opts parameter is optional.

Generic example (with sequentialPromises param as Array):

import { runSequentialPromises } from 'quasar'

  (resultAggregator) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { /* do some work... */ }),
  (resultAggregator) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { /* do some work... */ })
  // ...
]).then(resultAggregator => {
  // resultAggregator is ordered in the same way as the promises above
  console.log('result from first Promise:', resultAggregator[0].value)
  console.log('result from second Promise:', resultAggregator[1].value)
  // ...
}).catch(errResult => {
  console.error(`Error encountered on job #${ errResult.key }:`)
  console.log('Managed to get these results before this error:')

Generic example (with sequentialPromises param as Object):

import { runSequentialPromises } from 'quasar'

  phones: (resultAggregator) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { /* do some work... */ }),
  laptops: (resultAggregator) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { /* do some work... */ })
  // ...
}).then(resultAggregator => {
  console.log('result from first Promise:', resultAggregator.phones.value)
  console.log('result from second Promise:', resultAggregator.laptops.value)
  // ...
}).catch(errResult => {
  console.error(`Error encountered on job (${ errResult.key}):`)
  console.log('Managed to get these results before this error:')

Example using previous results:

import { runSequentialPromises } from 'quasar'

  phones: () => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { /* do some work... */ }),
  vendors: (resultAggregator) => {
    new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      // You can do something with resultAggregator.phones.value here...
      // Since are using the default abortOnFail option, the result is guaranteed to exist,
      // so you don't have to guard resultAggregator.phones against "null"
  // ...

Example with Axios:

import { runSequentialPromises } from 'quasar'
import axios from 'axios'

const keyList = [ 'users', 'phones', 'laptops' ]

  () => axios.get('https://some-url.com/users'),
  () => axios.get('https://some-other-url.com/items/phones'),
  () => axios.get('https://some-other-url.com/items/laptops')
]).then(resultAggregator => {
  // resultAggregator is ordered in the same way as the promises above
  resultAggregator.forEach(result => {
    console.log(keyList[ result.key ], result.value) // example: users {...}
}).catch(errResult => {
  console.error(`Error encountered while fetching ${ keyList[ errResult.key ] }:`)
  console.log('Managed to get these results before this error:')

// **equivalent** example with sequentialPromises as Object:

  users: () => axios.get('https://some-url.com/users'),
  phones: () => axios.get('https://some-other-url.com/items/phones'),
  laptops: () => axios.get('https://some-other-url.com/items/laptops')
}).then(resultAggregator => {
  console.log('users:', resultAggregator.users.value)
  console.log('phones:', resultAggregator.phones.value)
  console.log('laptops:', resultAggregator.laptops.value)
}).catch(errResult => {
  console.error(`Error encountered while fetching ${ errResult.key }:`)
  console.log('Managed to get these results before this error:')

Example with abortOnFail set to false:

import { runSequentialPromises } from 'quasar'
import axios from 'axios'

// notice no "catch()"; runSequentialPromises() will always resolve
    users: () => axios.get('https://some-url.com/users'),
    phones: () => axios.get('https://some-other-url.com/items/phones'),
    laptops: () => axios.get('https://some-other-url.com/items/laptops')
  { abortOnFail: false }
).then(resultAggregator => {
  Object.values(resultAggregator).forEach(result => {
    if (result.status === 'rejected') {
      console.log(`Failed to fetch ${ result.key }:`, result.reason)
    else {
      console.log(`Succeeded to fetch ${ result.key }:`, result.value)

When configuring threadsNumber (opts > threadsNumber) AND using http requests, be aware of the maximum threads that the hosting browser supports (usually 5). Any number of threads above that won’t add any real benefits.

import { runSequentialPromises } from 'quasar'

runSequentialPromises([ /* ... */ ], { threadsNumber: 3 })
  .then(resultAggregator => {
    resultAggregator.forEach(result => {
  .catch(errResult => {
    console.error(`Error encountered:`)
    console.log('Managed to get these results before this error:')


If your App uses JavaScript to accomplish taxing tasks, a debounce function is essential to ensuring a given task doesn’t fire so often that it bricks browser performance. Debouncing a function limits the rate at which the function can fire.

Debouncing enforces that a function not be called again until a certain amount of time has passed without it being called. As in “execute this function only if 100 milliseconds have passed without it being called.”

A quick example: you have a resize listener on the window which does some element dimension calculations and (possibly) repositions a few elements. That isn’t a heavy task in itself but being repeatedly fired after numerous resizes will really slow your App down. So why not limit the rate at which the function can fire?

// Returns a function, that, as long as it continues to be invoked, will not
// be triggered. The function will be called after it stops being called for
// N milliseconds. If `immediate` is passed, trigger the function on the
// leading edge, instead of the trailing.
import { debounce } from 'quasar'

(Debounced Function) debounce(Function fn, Number milliseconds_to_wait, Boolean immediate)

// Example:
  debounce(function() {
    // .... things to do ...
  }, 300 /*ms to wait*/)

Or calling as a method in a .vue file:

methods: {
  myMethod () { .... }

created () {
  this.myMethod = debounce(this.myMethod, 500)


Debouncing your functions using a method declaration like myMethod: debounce(function () { // Code }, 500) will mean that the debounced method will be shared between all rendered instances of this component, so debouncing is also shared. Moreover, this.myMethod.cancel() won’t work, because Vue wraps each method with another function to ensure proper this binding. This should be avoided by following the code snippet above.

There’s also a frameDebounce available which delays calling your function until next browser frame is scheduled to run (read about requestAnimationFrame).

import { frameDebounce } from 'quasar'

(Debounced Function) frameDebounce(Function fn)

// Example:
  frameDebounce(function() {
    .... things to do ...


Throttling enforces a maximum number of times a function can be called over time. As in “execute this function at most once every X milliseconds.”

import { throttle } from 'quasar'

(Throttled Function) throttle(Function fn, Number limit_in_milliseconds)

// Example:
  throttle(function() {
    .... things to do ...
  }, 300 /* execute at most once every 0.3s */)

Or calling as a method in a .vue file:

methods: {
  myMethod () { .... }

created () {
  this.myMethod = throttle(this.myMethod, 500)


Throttling your functions using a method declaration like myMethod: throttle(function () { // Code }, 500) will mean that the throttled method will be shared between all rendered instances of this component, so throttling is also shared. This should be avoided by following the code snippet above.

extend - (Deep) Copy Objects

A basic respawn of jQuery.extend(). Takes same parameters:

import { extend } from 'quasar'

let newObject = extend([Boolean deepCopy], targetObj, obj, ...)

Watch out for methods within objects.

uid - Generate UID

Generate unique identifiers:

import { uid } from 'quasar'

let uid = uid()
// Example: 501e7ae1-7e6f-b923-3e84-4e946bff31a8


Test against particular patterns.

import { patterns } from 'quasar'

const { testPattern } = patterns

testPattern.email('foo@bar.com') // true
testPattern.email('foo') // false

testPattern.hexColor('#fff') // true
testPattern.hexColor('#ffffff') // true
testPattern.hexColor('#FFF') // true
testPattern.hexColor('#gggggg') // false

See the full list of patterns here.