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Color Utils

Quasar provides a set of useful functions to manipulate colors easily in most use cases, without the high additional cost of integrating dedicated libraries.


For usage with the UMD build see here.

Color Conversion

These functions take a color as string or Object and convert it to another format.

FunctionSource formatDestination formatDescription
rgbToHexObjectStringConverts a RGB/A color Object ({ r: [0-255], g: [0-255], b: [0-255}<, a: [0-100]>}) to its HEX/A representation as a String (#RRGGBB<AA>). If Alpha channel is present in the original object it will be present also in the output.
rgbToHsvObjectObjectConverts a RGB/A color Object ({ r: [0-255], g: [0-255], b: [0-255}<, a: [0-100]>}) to its HSV/A representation as an Object ({ h: [0-360], s: [0-100], v: [0-100}, a: [0-100]}). If Alpha channel is present in the original object it will be present also in the output.
hexToRgbStringObjectConverts a HEX/A color String (#RRGGBB<AA>) to its RGB/A representation as an Object ({ r: [0-255], g: [0-255], b: [0-255}<, a: [0-100]>}) . If Alpha channel is present in the original object it will be present also in the output.
textToRgbStringObjectConverts a HEX/A color String (#RRGGBB<AA>) or a RGB/A color String(rgb(R, G, B<, A>)) to its RGB/A representation as an Object ({ r: [0-255], g: [0-255], b: [0-255}<, a: [0-100]>}). If Alpha channel is present in the original object it will be present also in the output.
hsvToRgbStringObjectConverts a HSV/A color Object ({ h: [0-360], s: [0-100], v: [0-100}, a: [0-100]}) to its RGB/A representation as an Object ({ r: [0-255], g: [0-255], b: [0-255}<, a: [0-100]>}). If Alpha channel is present in the original object it will be present also in the output.

Color Processing

These functions perform changes on the color or extract specific information.

lighten (color, percent)

Lighten the color (if percent is positive) or darken it (if percent is negative).

Accepts a HEX/A String or a RGB/A String as color and a percent (0 to 100 or -100 to 0) of lighten/darken to be applied to the color. Returns a HEX String representation of the calculated color.

luminosity (color)

Calculates the relative luminance of the color.

Accepts a HEX/A String, a RGB/A String or a RGB/A Object as color. Returns a value between 0 and 1.

brightness (color)

Calculates the color contrast of the color.

Accepts a HEX/A String, a RGB/A String or a RGB/A Object as color. Returns a value between 0 and 255. A value of < 128 would be considered a dark color.

blend (fgColor, bgColor)

Calculates the blend of two colors.

Accepts a HEX/A String or a RGB/A Object as fgColor / bgColor. If the alpha channel of the fgColor is completely opaque, then the result will be the fgColor. If the alpha channel of the bgColor is completely opaque, then the resulting blended color will also be opaque. Returns the same type as input for fgColor.

changeAlpha (color, offset)

Increments or decrements the alpha of a string color.

Accepts a HEX/A String as color and a number between -1 and 1 (including edges) as offset. Use a negative value to decrement and a positive number to increment (ex: changeAlpha('#ff0000', -0.1) to decrement alpha by 10%). Returns HEX/A String.

Helper - getPaletteColor

You can query any brand color, palette color or custom color in JS context to get its hex string value. Note that the method below is not cheap to run, so use it with care:

import { colors } from 'quasar'

const { getPaletteColor } = colors

console.log(getPaletteColor('primary')) // '#1976d2'
console.log(getPaletteColor('red-2')) // '#ffcdd2'

Assuming you’ve created a custom color and named it “my-color”, then you can extract its value in JS:

console.log(getPaletteColor('my-color')) // '#...'